Welcome to Renewal Therapies Holistic Wellness Clinic
Welcome to Renewal Therapies Holistic Wellness ClinicWelcome to Renewal Therapies Holistic Wellness ClinicWelcome to Renewal Therapies Holistic Wellness Clinic
Purpose. Release. Harmony. Inspiration. Transformation.
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9 - 3
Saturday & Sunday: Closed, unless a scheduled appointment is arranged.
Please use the FREE parking (under the INVENTRONICS sign) where it's marked VISITOR'S Parking, NOT immediately in front of the clinic.
The door is locked while we are with clients. Please plan to arrive at your scheduled appointment time. Thank you !
See what's happening in the clinic !
If you have a pace maker or another electric implant or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you do NOT qualify for Detox Foot Bath