Heather graduated from NutraPhoria School of Holistic Nutrition in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She is now certified as a Holistic Nutritionist & Health Coach.
Heather has always been attracted to ancient holistic practices. She believes we are born with the innate ability to heal ourselves. Through traumas, illness, prolonged stress responses, [etc], our bodies become confused and distressed, mal-aligned and mal-nourished. The earth is abundantly plentiful with delicious, densely nutritious foods, created for us to consume ! Eat for life ! Don't just survive, learn to THRIVE !
Deborah Turner also studied at NutraPhoria School of Nutrition. Deb graduated Tier Two, which gave her the distinction of Holistic Nutrition Practitioner. She utilizes advanced frequency technology to help facilitate and develop a well-rounded, holistic treatment plan for even the most difficult health scenarios! Deb is passionate about helping and guiding people to true wellness and to return to their healthier selves, one educated step at a time.
Do not be discouraged if mainstream, fad diets do not work for you ! There are so many considerations when wanting to lose weight, eat healthier, get active, ease the burden of autoimmune illnesses, [etc].
The main thing to remember when starting any program, is to start slow ! Dramatically changing your diet, in of itself, can cause immense distress to the body. We have about 38 trillion microbes in our large intestine that live off what we eat and how we live. If you have an abundance of inflammation already in your body, getting healthy can be painful. Here are some tips to ensure your successful transition into a lifelong healthy & abundant existence !
1. Increase your water intake, pure water, nothing added. One glass of water an hour.
2. Remove one inflammatory food from your diet, and add one healthy food, weekly. Consistency is key. Practice makes progress.
3. Walk/move daily. Get up and move every hour throughout the day. Walk daily, even 10 minutes to start. Consistency is key. Practice makes progress.
4. Add pre & probiotics to your daily routine.
5. Try to limit your caffeine intake to 2 cups daily, in the morning.
6. Add some stretching throughout your day.
7. Find a podcast you like, and focus on 10-20 minutes of mindfulness daily.
8. Put your phone/device down/turn off the tv 30 minutes before bed.
9. Repeat.
Even with 26 years of experience and education in the health and wellness industry, I have struggled/struggle with finding what works for my body. I realized that my blood type, inflammatory response, stress levels, hormonal fluctuations, activity levels, age, psychoemotional health, all played a role in my [un]success. I am choosing to dig in and revisit how our ancestors lived (they lived well didn't they ?!!). We don't need fancy, expensive diets, we don't need to eat handfuls of supplements, we don't need to stress about LIVING WELL ! Breathe. We're in this together.
If you have Facebook, find Renewal Therapies or Renewal's Infinite Health, Wealth & Wellness pages for tips and links on all things WELLNESS ! On Insta, renewal_health_wellness
If you have a pace maker or another electric implant or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you do NOT qualify for Detox Foot Bath