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The Ionic Detox Foot Bath is a relaxing and therapeutic way to cleanse out your systems. Whether you're suffering with migraines, painful menses, or recovering from a virus or illness, the foot detox may be just what you need to expediate healing !
Enjoy with a friend,
compare your detox results!
Make sure to select "Dualing Footbaths" when booking online
Expanded hours!
Introducing Wellness Wednesdays!
It's Cold & Flu season again...Every Wednesday, come and Enjoy:
Ionic Detox Foot Baths for $20 (regular $30)
By doing regular foot detoxes, we have clients reporting significant decreases in cold and flu symptoms, a reduction in bloating, menstrual cramps, headaches/migraines, inflammation, skin or acne flares ups. They've also shared they've experienced an improvement in digestion, mood and enjoying better sleeps!
The list of benefits is long!!
While your colleagues and friends are down with the flu,
you'll be enjoying your winter months with
a boosted immune system and less sick days!
Book online (look under the Let's Get You Booked) or give us a call to schedule an appointment 204.717.0815
OMGoodness, the benefits of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy) + Infrared Heat Therapy are well documented!! From accelerated healing to immunity boosting to improved hormonal regulation and better sleeps ! We pair this with Myofascial Cupping for tenfold benefits. For more info, send us a message!
If you have a pace maker or another electric implant or are pregnant or breastfeeding, you do NOT qualify for Detox Foot Bath